Cryptocoryne Tropica Hybrid is a slight variation of the well-known Cryptocoryne Tropica. Sporting relatively broad leaves, Cryptocoryne Tropica Hybrid varies a little in coloration and tends to have lighter hues when compared to the original version of this aquatic plant. Like most Cryptocoryne, Crypt Tropica is robust and fairly hardy once it is established in a planted aquarium tank. Cryptocoryne species can take time to adjust and can be extremely sensitive to displacement and changes in water parameters during this period so care should be taken to leave this aquarium plant undisturbed for a short duration.
Cryptocoryne Tropica Hybrid is suitable for smaller sized planted aquarium tanks and works well as a midground aquatic plant choice. When provided with CO2 injection, low to medium aquarium tank LED lighting and light fertilization, Cryptocoryne Tropica produces beautiful, compact growth. An alternative use for this aquatic plant is within emersed conditions. As long as sufficient humidity is provided, Cryptocoryne Tropica Hybrid works well and will grow in terrarium-like setups such as vivariums, paludariums and more. Propagation is simple and can be done by separating new plantlets from the mother plant and replanting it into quality aquarium soil intended for aquatic plant keeping.