Our Weeds B' Gone Do It Yourself Weed Screening Kit (Weed Mats DIY kits) can cover approximately 672 square feet of your waterfront with 3 - 8 x 28 ft. pieces of screening. Each kit includes all required materials, except for three bags of dry, all-purpose sand which can be purchased at a local hardware store for approximately $5.00 per bag. To install, roll the screen into the water, position the screen over the area where you desire to control weed growth, and let it sink to the bottom to cover the weeded area. If you put the no weed mats down before the weed's come up there is no need to cut or remove the weeds. You can do this early in the season before the weeds bloom. You can clear the area with our Weeds B Gone Lake Bottom Roller to clear debris or existing weeds left over from the winter. Before laying mats beneficial bacteria's in pellets or pucks formation can be added to the package under the mats for more long term results.
Depending on the thickness, you may need to cut your weeds before placing the screening in the water. If cutting is necessary, Weeds B' Gone also offer Aquatic Weed Cutters and Lake Rakes on our web site if you would prefer to do it yourself. Depending on your needs, a Water Weedsickle may also come in handy for removing weeds. For harvesting By Weeds B Gone check out the link below
Here is a video to walk you through the installation process: