Lagenandra Keralensis is a rare species that is similar to its more popular counterpart, Lagenandra Meeboldii Red. Lagenandra Keralensis, sometimes referred to as Lagenandra Meeboldii Kerala, features similar foliage as regular Meeboldii Red but is more narrow in width and longer in length. Coloration is varying shades of greens, reds, and bronze but will vary depending on the aquarium tank it is kept in. Other than this, there is very little information available on this aquarium plant, but it can be assumed that many care requirements will be similar to the regular .
Quality aquarium tank lighting and CO2 injection are recommended along with a nutrient dense aquarium soil. As this species is known to grow quite large, we recommend this aquarium plant for larger sized aquarium tanks as a background aquatic plant choice. If grown emergent, thoroughly moist aquarium soil along with sufficient humidity should suffice for proper growth.
Common Name | Lagenandra Meeboldii Red Long |
Care | Moderate |
Lighting | Medium to High |
CO2 | Recommended |
Suggested Placement | Attach to wood or stone |
Propagation | Separate rhizome |
Growth Rate | Moderate |
Height | 4" |
Our potted aquatic plants are kept under strict fertilizer dosing regimes and are provided with CO2 injection in their holding tanks.