Imagine you are booked to do a 30 minute mentalism show and all your luggage gets lost on the plane. It is Sunday and all shops are closed. What would you do without your props, without special wallets, magnets, glue, scissors, thumb tips or nail writers – literally without anything?
"Wow, what inspired thinking. One is tempted to deliberately lose his luggage just to give these routines a spin. Highly recommended!"- Ben Harris
Necessity is the mother of invention. Stefan once had to cope with such a situation and this is what he came up with. A complete act of high impact mentalism that is so practical you will use it even if you can rely on your regular props.
Lost Luggage can be performed in parlor situations as well as on stage with nothing but the props you will find in your hotel room or borrow from the venue you are performing in. Check out these effects:
Sensitive Silverware
A great take on the open prediction. A random spectator is asked to merely think of a piece of silverware and remove it from a table on stage. Let’s assume she decides on a spoon. The mentalist removes a spoon from his coat pocket and shows it openly to the whole audience BEFORE she takes the item from the table. No force, no stooges, no sleights – this is so bold and yet effective that you will love it!
Magical Chairs (Journey to Jerusalem)
This is the classic chair prediction on steroids. Fun to watch and fun to perform. Four spectators are walking around only three chairs while the performer recites passages from the bible. Whenever he closes the book they are to sit down, the one who doesn’t get a chair is dismissed and one chair removed. The winner is predicted on a piece of paper in an envelope that was in full view from the beginning. No special envelopes, no wallets, no switches, just pure entertainment with an additional kicker in the end we will not reveal yet.
Win-Win Situation
Ten or more volunteers are freely selected. One of them will get a prize in the end. A spectator eliminates persons one by one until there is only one left. He freely decides on the winner of the game. The spectator himself opens an ungimmicked envelope that has been in full view the entire time. He removes a prediction and reads it aloud. On the paper is a precise description of what has just happened including a detailed description of what the winner looks like, his clothes, his hair color, his shoes, everything! No miscalling or arbitrary statements – a 100% spot-on description of the freely selected person without any gimmicks or stooges. This is personal – and very strong!
Wrap Up Prediction
This is an ultra clean end-of-show prediction effect that wraps up the whole show. An envelope is seen dangling from the ceiling on a string right from the beginning. You never touch it. Between the various acts, people seal a signed bill and a piece of a torn newspaper inside an unprepared envelope. A random spectator finally removes the prediction from the envelope and reads it aloud. You have not only correctly predicted the text on the newspaper but also the serial number on the signed and borrowed banknote!
You will not only learn how to perform these effects but also get Stefan’s complete patter involving psychological subtleties, advice on how to structure a mentalism show and more. Numerous illustrations make the instructions easy to follow. With Lost Luggage you will be able to perform a professional mentalism show anytime and anywhere!