Using underwater sound, smell and taste in combination, Bug Life Mix is the result of lengthy research to find ingredients and additives that attract not only carp but natural aquatic life.
Bug Life Mix actively pulls invertebrates and other bugs around your hookbait - food that the most pressured carp instinctively eat without caution. It literally brings your swim to life!
Applying the same ethos as the deadly Zig Bug revolution innovated by Nash, even the most pressured carp feed without caution on the aquatic invertebrates stimulated by the bug attracting ingredients of Bug Life Mix.
A real edge for natural feeders and the most elusive big carp, fished in conjunction with a Zig Bug or Critter over the top Bug Life Mix is devastating.
Bug Life Mix used with the dedicated Bug Life Juice active liquid results in a groundbait mix that produces bursts of sound, travelling long distances underwater and attracting carp from further away than sight and smell alone. Bug Life Mix been seen to stop carp in their tracks.
Using carefully selected soluble attractors as varied as milk products, cheeses, squid, mussel, essential amino acids and herbs and spices for vital trace elements, Bug Life Mix fills the water column and clouds the swim with active particles whilst your baited area constantly pulls aquatic life around your rig.
Bug Life – it’s putting new life into carp bait thinking.
Each 1.7 kg bag contains a 125ml bottle of Bug Life Juice.